Safety Training Requirements
All new shooters who wants to participate in USPSA, Action Steel, or Charlie's rifle match are required to go through a new shooter's safety class.
The requirement can be satisfied if a participant:
Presents a valid USPSA membership card with a classification of GM, M, A, B, C, or D in one or more divisions.
Requests a club verify a competitor's USPSA membership and classification via a USPSA website query at least one week prior to the match.
Completes the safety class and completes a match. Successfully completing the match allows the trainer to sign the Safety Class Card validating the training was completed and the competitor successfully completed a USPSA sanctioned match.
The Safety Class Card must be presented during registration at subsequent matches until a USPSA classification is obtained.
If you do not meet any of the requirements listed above then start your online safety training now. Go through each module, then be sure to take the online quiz at the end.